
GeneMatch is not currently enrolling new participants.

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GeneMatch is led by




and is or has been supported by funding from:

  • National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health (1UF1AG046150, 1R01AG063954, 1R01AG069453, 1R33AG070604)
  • Alzheimer's Association
  • Banner Alzheimer's Foundation
  • GHR Foundation

What is GeneMatch?

GeneMatch is a national program led by the Banner Alzheimer's Institute that:

  • Recruits participants for Alzheimer's prevention studies.
  • Uses genetic testing (through free cheek swab kits) to match volunteers with research opportunities.
  • Advances Alzheimer's research by helping scientists find enough qualified participants to launch new studies. 80% of research studies don't complete enrollment on time, because they can't recruit enough volunteers. We hope to prevent those delays.

What you need to know:

  • Your information will stay secure and confidential. Only GeneMatch will have access to your encrypted information. Your testing results will not be added to your medical records.
  • You can opt out of GeneMatch at any time. If we find a study opportunity that you qualify for, it's entirely up to you whether or not you join. You are under no obligation to participate.
  • You will not necessarily learn your test results. Some studies may ask you to learn the results of your genetic testing; others will not.
  • For more information about the GeneMatch Program, check out our FAQs 
Questions? Watch a video overview of GeneMatch.