
OLDParkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) - Online/Multiple Locations

Eligibility Requirements:

Anyone over the age of 18 in the United States is eligible to participate in PPMI, whether you have Parkinson's or not. You are especially needed if: 

  • You have a close family member with Parkinson's


  • You act out your dreams while you're sleeping


  • You've noticed a persistent loss in your sense of smell or you have a genetic mutation linked to Parkinson's


  • You are a man over 60 years old

About the Study:

PPMI online has been designed to capture your data securely online, over time, using the internet. While in the study, you will answer questions related to your demographics and health that may be related to your risk of developing Parkinson’s. Depending on the information you provide, you may also be invited to answer different questions and to visit a medical clinical for additional testing. Participants in PPMI online may also be asked to participate in additional PPMI studies as they are developed. PPMI is sponsored by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research.


PPMI is aimed at better understanding who gets Parkinson’s disease and why. The study follows multiple groups of people, including those both with and without Parkinson’s disease. The information from this study could transform how we diagnose, treat, and potentially prevent PD.

What is Involved:

You will need an email address, and a computer or smartphone with internet access. Once you are in the study, you will begin answering questions related to various aspects of your health. You will then receive emails every 90 days prompting you to come back and answer questions again. If you know someone with Parkinson’s, you can help them answer PPMI questions, just make sure you only input information about that person. If you are asked to visit a medical clinical for additional testing, you may undergo assessments of your daily activities, evaluations of your cognitive skills, blood tests, and brains scans.

Study Type:
Observational Studies; Online Studies and Surveys; Prevention Studies; Studies for People without Memory Impairment