Cognitive Aging of Emotional and Autobiographical Memory - Tucson, AZ
Eligibility Requirements:
Fluent in English
With or without memory difficulties
Willing to attend study visits in Tucson, AZ
About the Study:
The Human Memory Lab has two principal aims: 1) to understand how and why we store and retrieve memories 2) to apply this knowledge to the development of more effective ways to improve cognition and everyday functioning
The clinical and cognitive neuroscience research conducted in the lab combines neuropsychological, cognitive, social psychological, and neuroimaging approaches. This research helps draw insight from individuals with memory difficulties and healthy adults.
The purpose of this research is to better understand cognitive and brain risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease.
What is Involved:
The research project requires meeting with a researcher from the Human Memory Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Participants can choose to take part in one session, or more than one session. Each session should last from one to a few hours, depending on pace. Participants will undertake paper-and-pencil tests of cognitive functioning (i.e. attention, memory, language, etc). Participants may obtain feedback about their results if desired.
The study does not involve medications or invasive procedures. Participants will receive monetary compensation for their time.