
Aging, Memory, and Spatial Navigation - Tucson, AZ

Eligibility Requirements:

Participants must:

  • be fluent English speakers
  • have normal or corrected to normal vision with glasses/contact
  • have no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders or history of seizures. 

Participants experiencing mild cognitive impairment and memory complaints ARE eligible for this study.

About the Study:

The aim of this study is to better understand the neurobiology of human memory and spatial navigation. UA researchers are particularly interested in knowing how these processes change during healthy aging and in individuals at heightened risk for dementia. Researchers will use a variety of methods to address these questions, including immersive virtual reality, eye tracking, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


The goal of this research is to better understand how changes in the aging brain affect specific cognitive abilities, behavior, and wellbeing.

What is Involved:

This study requires meeting with a researcher from the Human Spatial Cognition Laboratory at the University of Arizona. Participants can choose to take part in one session, or more than one session. During their first session, participants will complete paper-and-pencil tests of cognitive functioning (i.e. attention, memory, language, etc). 

Depending on eligibility, participants will be invited to return to the lab to complete additional brain imaging and/or virtual reality studies.  

The study does not involve medication. Participants will receive monetary compensation for their time.

18 to 90
1-4 hours per session
1-4 visits (depending on eligibility and interest)
Study Type:
Observational Studies; Studies for People with Memory Impairment; Studies for People without Memory Impairment